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Submitted by Caleb Carlton, GLSI Executive Director

The Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (GLSI) Board of Directors is pleased to announce an expansion of the Board and national search for our next cohort of directors! This opportunity comes during an exciting time of growth for the organization as GLSI scales its reach and impact throughout the Great Lakes region, and beyond, through innovative new educational programs and services. The Board has been deeply engaged in planning for GLSI’s next chapter, and has committed to strategically expanding its capacity to match the organization’s increasing impacts on teaching and learning, the environment, and community health through place-based stewardship education!

The Board guides and supports GLSI’s mission to develop knowledgeable and active stewards of the Great Lakes and their ecosystems through place-based education in local communities. The initiative’s approach to teaching and learning results in vibrant, hands-on experiences that increase student achievement and guide youth to become lifelong stewards of the environment.

GLSI works toward its goals through six regional hubs located throughout Michigan and a central leadership team. This team provides support and guidance to hubs, organizes the National Place-Based Education Conference, and delivers training, resources, and network development for educators, school districts, community partners, and organizations throughout the Great Lakes region (and beyond). GLSI also hosts The Place Space, a national program delivery platform and networking hub for anyone connected to place-based education, and coordinates the Michigan Children & Nature Coalition.

GLSI Hubs transform the educational experiences available to teachers, students, and community partners in their region by offering sustained educator professional development, coaching, and program support in PBSE for K–16 teachers and community partners. Hubs also create and sustain regional ecosystems of school-community partnerships, generate funding opportunities, and support PBSE projects with teachers and students.

The GLSI Board of Directors includes independent directors and directors that represent each of the six GLSI Hubs. Together, this team is currently focused on, and considering new directors in alignment with, the following priority areas of the organization and hub network:

  • Oversight and Governance: Continually strengthening and growing the organization’s business strategies, strengthening financial health, refining operational systems and protocols, and expanding staff capacity and support.
  • Hub Network Development and Sustainability: Assessing and supporting the growth, effectiveness, and sustainability of the network of GLSI Hubs, and supporting the development of new hubs in Michigan (and possibly beyond).
  • Fundraising: Developing and sustaining connections and relationships with prospective donors and supporters, championing the GLSI mission in a variety of settings, and helping to lead board-level fundraising campaigns, strategies, and events.
  • Board Development: Strengthening relevant board member skills and knowledge, increasing diversity and representation on the board, cultivating the next generation of board leaders, and sustaining mentorship for new board members.

GLSI is currently accepting inquiries and applications from prospective new board members to serve an initial 2-year term, with the potential for further terms of service. GLSI anticipates appointing and onboarding new members between June and August of 2024. To learn more and apply, please see the Board Member Application. The application window will close on May 21st, and GLSI will follow up with applicants shortly thereafter. Please direct all questions and inquiries to Caleb Carlton, GLSI Executive Director (caleb@greatlakesstewardship.org).