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This page shows events offered by the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (GLSI) and each of our six regional hubs as well as events that the GLSI will be participating in, supporting, or that feature a close partner.

GSI Fostering Belonging: Student Social/Emotional Health

Grand Rapids, MI

In response to requests from local educators and partners alike, Groundswell is offering a special event for our network. Dr. Jamie Langlois, associate professor in the GVSU School of Social Work, […]

SEMIS Coalition’s Winter Professional Development

Ypsilanti, MI

The SEMIS Coalition professional learning model provides opportunities for teachers, community partners and administrators in a variety of categories including: coaching and mentoring, coalition building, whole-school professional development, collaborative assessment, […]

GSI Research Your Issue: Climate Change + Student Dialogue

Grand Rapids, MI

Michigan Climate Action Network will be leading a virtual webinar about how to talk to students about climate change in the classroom and empowering youth to be environmental stewards. SCECH credits […]

WMGLSI Dinner & Dialogue: 3P (Place, Project, & Problem Based) Learning

Virtual Zoom, MI, United States

3P (place, project, and problem based) learning is gaining steam across the county.  These student-centered approaches encourage students to work collaboratively with their teachers to identify real problems occurring in […]

Groundswell Student Project Showcase 2025

Grand Rapids, MI

Groundswell will host its annual Student Project Showcase for educators, community members, students, and families. Groundswell is proud to celebrate the work of student stewards in an interactive event with […]

Lake Superior Youth Symposium

University of Minnesota Duluth, MN, United States

The Lake Superior Youth Symposium brings grades 8-12 youth and their teachers together to experience the science, art, culture and challenges of protecting one of the greatest bodies of fresh […]