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This page shows events offered by the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (GLSI) and each of our six regional hubs as well as events that the GLSI will be participating in, supporting, or that feature a close partner.

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Teacher Summer Institute: Watershed Pen Pal Program

June 23June 25

This 4-day teacher professional development series—offered by Friends of the St. Claire River—is for St. Clair County 4th and 5th grade teachers and includes 28 hours of State Continuing Educator Clock Hours (SCECHs) approved by the Michigan Department of Education and a $100/day stipend. The fourth day of the institute will be on August 12.

Teachers will be introduced to resources and community partners, given considerable time to reflect on their outdoor field experiences, and to begin development of their own Meaningful Watershed Education Experiences (MWEE) Plans detailing how they will build MWEEs into their teaching cycle throughout the year, and how the activities will connect to content standards.

For more information:
– Email Friends of the St. Clair River Education Manager, Melissa Kivel, at melissa@scriver.org.
– Visit https://scriver.org/watershed-pen-pals/


June 23
June 25
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Friends of the St. Clair River


St. Clair
301 N. Ninth Street
St. Clair, MI 48079 United States
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